Join our network.

Why join?

Who can join?

  • You work on food policy and action at a community-wide level
  • You want to share your ideas, knowledge and expertise, and learn from others.
  • You want to connect with other community food practitioners.


As a member, you will have access to:

  • Newsletter
  • Online events, webinars
  • Food Community solutions database
  • Supports for Food Strategy Development
  • Summary reports 
  • Networking opportunities
  • Members’ directory
  • Peer-to-peer coaching
  • Funding opportunities
  • Resources and tools


  • You must be involved with a group/organization/institution (formal or informal) that works on food issues at a community-wide level (within Indigenous, rural, urban and/or remote communities), including:
    • Food policy groups (FPGs)* working at local levels (informal or formal)
    • Leadership and staff within Indigenous and settler governance tables 
    • Public Health workers
    • Community-wide, non-profit, social purpose groups working on broader food system and/or governance issues.
  • You have community engagement, volunteer and/or professional experience working on components of food systems resiliency at a community/regional level.
  • You work with the understanding that some of the most important food solutions come from the local level. 
  • This network is the sum of its members. By joining, you choose to:
    • Engage in FCN-RCN activities as possible
    • Share your knowledge and/or information from your group with the network, and from the network back to your community.

*If you are an individual who is not currently involved with a local organization, we encourage you to:

  • Connect with your local Food Policy Group or another local organization in your area, or to start one (and we can assist with that).
  • Sign up as an Associate Member in order to get a direct copy of the newsletter to your inbox, with opportunities to partner on relevant projects.  (Associate members include individual academics, provincial level networks/groups, individuals, etc.)

Food Communities Network   |   Réseau Communautés nourricières   |   2024

English (Canada)