Social Network Analysis.
Social Network Analysis Research for Food Policy Groups
$1,000 – $2,000 + research support for 5 communities available now
**Seeking 1 more food policy group (FPG)! All FPGs are welcome, but preference will be given to FPGs from Western and Northern Indigenous Territories/Canada. Please email Prof. Levkoe and Prof. Schiff directly.**
What is Social Network Analysis (SNA)?
Is your food policy group interested in exploring the relationships in your network? Social Network Analysis (SNA) can help food policy groups (FPGs) better understand relationships between organisations with the goal of strengthening those relationships. For FPGs, SNA can be useful for:
- gaining a better understanding of the relationships between organisations
- identify where communication and collaboration is strong
identify where there may be gaps in communication and collaboration - enhancing the network and supporting FPG mandates
- engaging in municipal and regional policy and governance.
How can food policy groups (FPGs) benefit?
A recent partnership among researchers at Lakehead University and Thunder Bay and Area Food Strategy (TBAFS) completed a SNA through a short survey sent to all members. The information produced was useful in several ways:
- Developed a better understanding of how the network functioned.
- Highlighted which TBAFS members were more or less central within the network.
- Provided possibilities and suggestions to strengthen collaborations.
This information was shared by producing a series of sociograms (or visualizations). These visualizations show how different members are connected and how often they communicate with each other. Overall, the sociogram highlights the strength of connections within the network and which individuals and groups have more connections than others.
What do FPGs have to do?
We ask that each FPG help us make the survey specific to their network and distribute the survey to their members, and ensure as many as possible complete the survey. For each of the participating FPGs, we will run the data and share all the results and analysis through a short report and optional discussion with your FPG.
How can we support you?
We have the capacity to support up to five FPGs interested in conducting a SNA. We can offer financial support, contingent on each FPG’s financial and staffing situation (between $1000 – $2000). The SNA would need to be completed during the spring/summer of 2021.
Deadline: April 6, 2021
Who do I contact for more information?
Charles Levkoe, Lakehead University:
Rebecca Schiff, Lakehead University:
Food Communities Network | Réseau Communautés nourricières | 2021