Food Policy Group Survey.
FCN-RCN conducts a survey to learn about food policy groups (FPGs) in Indigenous Territories/Canada on an annual basis, sharing back the information with groups once compiled.
We ask all FPG members to complete the annual survey to allow FCN-RCN to:
- Update the directory of FPGs in Indigenous Territories/Canada
- Capture the experience and knowledge of FPGs as the food system shifts and adapts to various pressures and scenarios
- Minimize survey burnout among FPGs. We know how often we are asked to take surveys at these tables. FCN-RCN will provide relevant data to researchers and research institutions on a case by case basis from the information gathered. Just refer them over to the Network Coordinator.
Uncertain if your group is a food policy group (FPG)?
We consider FPGs to be formal or informal groups or networks of groups of people (can include residents, non-profit organizations, businesses and government) working together to address issues across the food system, primarily through policy or programs, at the community-wide, band/city/municipality/county/territory/region level. The term FPG captures food policy councils, food systems alliances, food strategy tables, neighbourhood food networks, food justice initiatives and others. If this overall definition describes your group, regardless of which name you are called, then this survey is for you.
2020 Food Policy Group Survey
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended our food system, making problems worse for communities that already struggled to meet basic needs yet at the same time showing the resiliency of local food systems. Food Policy Groups (FPGs) are stepping in to play a key role in their communities’ response to the pandemic.
FCN-RCN, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, is conducting a survey to learn about how FPGs are responding to COVID-19, what challenges you are facing, and what successes you have achieved. We are reaching out to see if you will share with us about your FPG’s response to the pandemic by filling out this survey.
The report based on the 2020 survey will be available here soon.
2021 Food Policy Group Survey
The 2021 Survey on Food Policy Groups (FPGs) and COVID-19 is now ready.
Food policy groups (FPGs) have played a key role in helping communities address issues that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. FPGs have worked extremely hard, along with many partners, to address the increasing demand for food in their communities and advocated for issues that were more clearly brought to light during the pandemic, such as issues of inequality, injustice, racism, and colonization. The past 1.5 years have been a challenge for many FPGs, but also presented opportunities for groups to work on novel projects and develop new partnerships.
As a group, Food Communities Network/Réseau Communautés Nourricières (FCN-RCN) wants to know how your FPG has been responding to COVID-19, what challenges your FPG is facing, and what successes you have achieved. By taking this survey, you are helping to show the value and impact that FPGs are making to address food systems needs in communities across the country.
This year, we have two different surveys:
- For those who completed the 2020 survey, please click here: SHORTER SURVEY
- For those who did NOT complete the 2020 survey, please click here: REGULAR SURVEY
If you are part of a FPG, please complete the survey by February 28, 2022
If you would like to view the survey before completing it, you can view the documents below:
Copy of survey for those who completed the 2020 survey:
Copy of survey for those who did NOT complete the 2020 survey:
Food Communities Network | Réseau Communautés nourricières | 2021